Emergency Numbers
Map of Emergency Telephones on Campus
911 Fire
911 Police
911 Ambulance
University Assistance
Poison Control
Health Services
Directory Assistance
Relay Iowa
Relay Iowa provides full telephone accessibility to people
who are deaf, hard of hearing, or speech impaired. This
service is available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, with
no restrictions on the length or number of calls placed. Both
TDD and voice users may place calls through Relay Iowa.
Toll-free Access Numbers (Relay Iowa):
1-800-735-2942 (TDD)
1-800-735-2943 (Voice)
711 Dialing
Dialing 711 is a no-charge connection to the state transfer
relay service for TDD and voice calls to and from persons
who are speech and hearing impaired.
You will be connected to a Communications Assistant, who
will relay the conversation in the strictest confidentiality, to
the telephone number you specify.